Looking for a way to make a positive impact?


Bainbridge Prepares, Helpline House, and Island Volunteer Caregivers

invite you to join in the fun, joy, and positive impact of volunteering in our community 

Island Volunteer Caregivers

Since 1997, Island Volunteer Caregivers has been ​connecting neighbors facing challenges related to ​aging, disability, or adversity with volunteers and ​resources to support independent and fulfilling lives.

We are committed to a world of compassionate ​communities where people of all ages value and ​care for seniors and those with special needs.


Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer as your schedule permits.

Assist with an errand, a ride to an appointment, or companionship. Many​ volunteers develop meaningful friendships with care r​eceivers.

why it’s important

Bainbridge Island has some amazing seniors - many of whom have ​reached a point in their lives when they can use a hand, a ride, a friend, ​or some help around the house. A visit and a smile can brighten th​e day of someone who spends much of their day alone​.​

Our volunteers say it best: “It’s low commitment and high reward​. You’re able to make a difference in a short amount of time.”​

Helpline House

Helpline House offers an umbrella of social services ​and invites the community to become a part of a ​circle of giving and receiving help - Neighbor helping ​Neighbor.

Helpline House provides a network of critical social ​services through a number of different programs ​including children services, senior services, financial ​assistance, and a food bank. The agency's ​programs help more than 2,500 people

every year.


Volunteer Opportunities

Our Food Bank is where the action is. From greeting customers to ​stocking, organizing, and cleaning - you’ll stay engaged! There are​ three shifts: morning, mid-day, and afternoon​.

Volunteer when you’re able.​

why it’s important

Helpline House would not be possible without volunteers. Every single​ thing our volunteers do makes Helpline House a wonderful plac​e and ensures our community members feel like they can come here​ when they are in crisis or ​need.

Bainbridge Prepares

Bainbridge Prepares is an educational and ​emergency response nonprofit with the goal of ​making our region the most resilient community in ​Washington State. Our core partnership is with the ​City of Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Island Fire ​Department, with which we train and deploy with ​for natural and other disasters.


Volunteer Opportunities

Join one of our over 20 teams and 700+ existing volunteers and ​develop life-saving skills. Whether your interests lie with our Medical ​Reserve Corps, our Child Safety team, our Flotilla, or numerous other ​groups, there is a team (or two...or three!) for you.

why it’s important

As we witness every week across the world, emergencies and ​disasters often overwhelm dedicated first responders and other ​emergency workers. By volunteering and training with us, you can ​learn valuable skills for yourself while helping your family, emergency ​personnel, and our whole community.

Why Volunteer?

To have a positive impact on others

Help build a stronger community

Increase your social interactions and meet new people

Develop a sense of purpose and fulfillment

It will make you feel awesome!